Posted Monday, November 7, 2016
New Florida Supreme Court Motion to Affect Solar Power Customers
With as much as the solar power industry changes, it’s not surprising to see new pieces of solar industry-specific legislation introduced. This has just happened recently in the state of Florida, and so of course Urban Solar is keeping you up-to-date on what’s going on.
On November 2nd, a Florida supreme court motion was filed that will likely impact residential solar power customers, if it moves forward to a ruling. You can read the motion and what it entails here. In short, the motion seeks to advance an earlier court case that was intended to make it easier for residential solar power customers to own and lease solar equipment on their homes. What makes this news so remarkable is that this motion may go on to affect people who don’t use solar power at all. There is language in the motion that refers to ‘subsidizing’ other people’s solar power, and whether or not this is something that non-solar customers should be forced to do or not.
At least a few industry websites have cast a skeptical view on this motion, because it doesn’t seem altogether clear whether or not the net benefit is going to go to the consumer, the solar developer, or the state of Florida. There are some hidden fees mentioned in the fine print of the bill, making its true purpose all that much murkier.
When it comes to maintaining compliance with the law, Urban Solar takes its business very seriously. We only operate under the strict confines of state and federal law, and we would never try to work hidden fees into a project with which we became involved. The fact that our customers choose to refer us to their friends and family is testament to this, and we look forward to servicing them and their continued referrals for years to come.
Whether your situation relates to residential, business or industrial solar power equipment installation or service, Urban Solar is prepared to quote your project promptly and accurately. This starts with a no-fee energy assessment, and we’re ready to get started right away. Call us today!