Posted Monday, April 4, 2016
Responses to the 3 Biggest Objections to Installing Solar Power Systems
Installing solar power generation equipment on a home or business is an investment that deserves serious research and thoughtful consideration of all the pros and cons. When objections to solar arise, they typically have to do with return on investment, maintenance and cost reduction viability (in other words, how much solar power can actually lower a power bill).
Urban Solar has been an integral part of many professional solar power installations that started with conversations involving objections that needed addressing before work could begin. We’re boiling down these objections to the three most common, and we’ve provided the responses to those objections in this quick list.
#1 Solar power generation systems are too expensive.
Even though we’ve addressed this in other posts, we want to start with this objection first because it seems to be the most common. The fact that we often cite to customers who voice this concern is that solar power has never been more affordable in modern history. What’s more, there’s very good reason to believe that the costs for residential solar in particular are going to continue to fall over time. Does this mean that it’s best to wait before installing solar?
No, and the reason is because the longer you wait, the less savings you’re realizing on your power bill.
#2 Solar power equipment is costly to maintain.
The beauty of solar power is that there are no moving parts to manage. In the case of a wind turbine, there are many, many points of failure that can cause complete system failure. Solar is different in that the method of electricity production is photovoltaic and not electromechanical, meaning the overall system can operate just fine for years with little to no maintenance at all.
Another way to address this concern is to remind our customers that we’re by your side well after the installation of your system is complete, so that if surprises do crop up, we’re there to assist you in dealing with them.
#3 Solar panels break and are expensive to replace.
While it is true that solar panels can break, the force needed to do so is well above what the typical roof of a home is going to experience. There are some climates in which installing solar on a home wouldn’t be feasible, but in Florida and similar areas, this isn’t a concern. There is virtually no weather pattern short of a hurricane or unseasonably heavy hailstorm that would cause damage to a high-quality solar panel.
Also, the professionals who source the hardware required for your solar system have access to some of the most industrially-hardened panels available anywhere, and they can educate you on exactly how robust a solar power system can be.