Posted Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Your Roof’s Relationship with Solar
If you’re reading this, you must be considering adding solar power to your home. Harnessing the sun as your own, personal energy source is not only advantageous for your wallet, but it’s also a great way to contribute to a healthier planet. This form of clean energy is becoming progressively attainable and more advanced, making it a feasible option for most homeowners. But there are certain details about your home that will affect and optimize solar power performance. Here’s what you should look for when deciding if solar power is right for your roof:
Direction Matters
When solar panels are placed on your roof, the direction they face is vital to maximizing performance. Depending on your location in the country, there are slight variances as to where the sun rises and sets throughout the year. Because of the US’ positioning on the globe, most solar installers agree that south facing roofs are best, followed by West, East, and finally North.
Don’t Be Shady
If your rooftop is hidden by buildings, hills or trees, your home might not be the best candidate for solar. The goal is to have at least 5 hours of direct sunlight per day. You’ll also want to keep in mind any future buildings that could potentially block your solar panels.
Bigger Is Better
Knowing the dimensions of your roof is important in choosing how many panels will make a difference in your power bill. When it comes to solar installation, ideally you will need 100 square feet of area for your system to generate one kilowatt of solar. Consider your family size and your current electric bill to determine how many panels you need, and how many can fit based on roof size.
Roof Tilt
The slant in your roof can be a factor when installing solar panels. The most favorable roof has a 30 degree angle, allowing your panels to absorb the most sun. Anything from zero to 45 degrees is acceptable, and panels are installed on tiltable racks, giving you some adjustability if your roof is not ideal.
Aged Out
Solar panels can produce electricity up to 40 years, so you must consider the age of your roof before you install. If you might need a remodel to the top of your home in the next 5 or 10 years, it’s best to wait before installing solar. However, panels can be removed and replaced if necessary.
Moving Soon
Adding solar to your home improves the resale value, making it a great benefit if you decide to move. But it’s important to make sure you will be in your home long enough to obtain value from the installation. Although solar is increasingly affordable, you should only commit to installation if you can make your money back in time.
Urban Solar has all the answers to your solar questions. Contact us today to see if your house is a good candidate for green energy.