Discover Savings
With Urban Solar, the savings are as clear as day!
Discerning customers like you often ask themselves, “Can I afford to switch to solar?” The real question is, "Can you afford not to switch to solar?" According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, electricity costs for residential customers have risen, on average, 2% to 4% per year since 1995. There has never been a better or more affordable time to make the switch. For Urban Solar customers, the savings are clear — we will personally guide you through process, ensuring that you understand just how much you can benefit from harnessing the power of the sun.

Make the switch to solar without spending a penny.
Urban Solar customers aren’t required to put any money down on the cost of solar. Financing is simple — we have a wide variety of options available that allow our customers to make the switch with absolutely $0 down, including PACE financing. On top of that, your solar panel system can add significant value to your home and pay for itself through electricity savings.
Installing solar adds value to your home.
Multiple studies have shown that installation of a solar panel system increases property values and adds significant value to your home. Homes with solar panel systems installed experience an increase in value by 3% to 4%, and they often sell twice as fast as those without solar systems.
Solar can cover 100% of your electricity bill.
Based on the available space on your roof, solar can cover the entirety of your electricity bill payments. We will look at your utility bill and determine your average usage in order to design a custom system that is right for you. We have the potential to install a solar panel system that will change your energy bill as you know it...for good!
Solar provides significant savings over 25 years.
Your solar system locks you into a low electricity rate that is not subject to increases over time. It’s designed to produce power over 25 years, and due to the leveled cost of electricity (LCOE), the cost of solar electricity will always be at least 30% cheaper than the utility company. The current average cost of electricity from the utility company in Florida is $0.12/kWh.